
ciao ciao ciao

Package documentation

precession. TODO: write me here

precession.affine(vec, low, up)
precession.angles_to_Jframe(theta1, theta2, deltaphi, r, q, chi1, chi2)

Convert the angles (theta1,theta2,deltaphi) to angular momentum vectors (L,S1,S2) in the frame aligned with the total angular momentum. In particular, we set Jx=Jy=Ly=0.

theta1: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.

theta2: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and secondary spin.

deltaphi: float

Angle between the projections of the two spins onto the orbital plane.

r: float

Binary separation.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

Lvec: array

Cartesian vector of the orbital angular momentum.

S1vec: array

Cartesian vector of the primary spin.

S2vec: array

Cartesian vector of the secondary spin.


Lvec,S1vec,S2vec = angles_to_Jframe(theta1,theta2,deltaphi,r,q,chi1,chi2)

precession.angles_to_Lframe(theta1, theta2, deltaphi, r, q, chi1, chi2)

Convert the angles (theta1,theta2,deltaphi) to angular momentum vectors (L,S1,S2) in the frame aligned with the orbital angular momentum. In particular, we set Lx=Ly=S1y=0.

theta1: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.

theta2: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and secondary spin.

deltaphi: float

Angle between the projections of the two spins onto the orbital plane.

r: float

Binary separation.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

Lvec: array

Cartesian vector of the orbital angular momentum.

S1vec: array

Cartesian vector of the primary spin.

S2vec: array

Cartesian vector of the secondary spin.


Lvec,S1vec,S2vec = angles_to_Lframe(theta1,theta2,deltaphi,r,q,chi1,chi2)

precession.angles_to_conserved(theta1, theta2, deltaphi, r, q, chi1, chi2, full_output=False)

Convert angles (theta1,theta2,deltaphi) into conserved quantities (S,J,chieff).

theta1: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.

theta2: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and secondary spin.

deltaphi: float

Angle between the projections of the two spins onto the orbital plane.

r: float

Binary separation.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

full_output: boolean, optional (default: False)

Return additional outputs.

S: float

Magnitude of the total spin.

J: float

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

chieff: float

Effective spin.

Other parameters
cyclesign: integer

Sign (either +1 or -1) to cover the two halves of a precesion cycle.


S,J,chieff = angles_to_conserved(theta1,theta2,deltaphi,r,q,chi1,chi2,full_output=False) S,J,chieff,cyclesign = angles_to_conserved(theta1,theta2,deltaphi,r,q,chi1,chi2,full_output=True)

precession.anglesresonances(r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2)

Compute the values of the angles corresponding to the two spin-orbit resonances.

J: float, optional (default: None)

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float, optional (default: None)

Binary separation.

chieff: float, optional (default: None)

Effective spin.

q: float, optional (default: None)

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

theta1atmin: float

Value of the angle theta1 at the resonance that minimizes either J or chieff, depending on the input.

theta2atmin: float

Value of the angle theta2 at the resonance that minimizes either J or chieff, depending on the input.

deltaphiatmin: float

Value of the angle deltaphi at the resonance that minimizes either J or chieff, depending on the input.

theta1atmax: float

Value of the angle theta1 at the resonance that maximizes either J or chieff, depending on the input.

theta2atmax: float

Value of the angle theta2 at the resonance that maximizes either J or chieff, depending on the input.

deltaphiatmax: float

Value of the angle deltaphi at the resonance that maximizes either J or chieff, depending on the input.


theta1atmin,theta2atmin,deltaphiatmin,theta1atmax,theta2atmax,deltaphiatmax = anglesresonances(J=None,r=None,chieff=None,q=None,chi1=None,chi2=None)

precession.chiefflimits_definition(q, chi1, chi2)

Limits on the effective spin based only on the definition chieff = (1+q)S1.L + (1+1/q)S2.L.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

chieffmin: float

Minimum value of the effective spin chieff.

chieffmax: float

Maximum value of the effective spin chieff.


chieffmin,chieffmax = chiefflimits_definition(q,chi1,chi2)

precession.chip_terms(theta1, theta2, q, chi1, chi2)

Compute the two terms entering the effective precessing spin chip.

theta1: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.

theta2: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and secondary spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

chipterm1: float

Term in effective precessing spin chip.

chipterm2: float

Term in effective precessing spin chip.


chipterm1,chipterm2 = chip_terms(theta1,theta2,q,chi1,chi2)

precession.conserved_to_Jframe(deltachi, kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, cyclesign=1)
precession.conserved_to_Lframe(deltachi, kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, cyclesign=1)
precession.conserved_to_angles(deltachi, kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, cyclesign=1)

Convert conserved quantities (S,J,chieff) into angles (theta1,theta2,deltaphi).

S: float

Magnitude of the total spin.

J: float

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float

Binary separation.

chieff: float

Effective spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

cyclesign: integer, optional (default: +1)

Sign (either +1 or -1) to cover the two halves of a precesion cycle.

theta1: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.

theta2: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and secondary spin.

deltaphi: float

Angle between the projections of the two spins onto the orbital plane.


theta1,theta2,deltaphi = conserved_to_angles(S,J,r,chieff,q,chi1,chi2,cyclesign=+1)

precession.dchidt2_RHS(deltachi, kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, precomputedroots=None, donotnormalize=False)
precession.ddchidt_prefactor(r, chieff, q)

Numerical prefactor to the S derivative.

r: float

Binary separation.

chieff: float

Effective spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

mathcalA: float

Prefactor in the dSdt equation.


mathcalA = derS_prefactor(r,chieff,q)

precession.deltachicubic_coefficients(kappa, u, chieff, q, chi1, chi2)
precession.deltachicubic_rescaled_coefficients(kappa, u, chieff, q, chi1, chi2)
precession.deltachilimits_definition(q, chi1, chi2)

Limits on the effective spin based only on the definition chieff = (1+q)S1.L + (1+1/q)S2.L.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

chieffmin: float

Minimum value of the effective spin chieff.

chieffmax: float

Maximum value of the effective spin chieff.


chieffmin,chieffmax = chiefflimits_definition(q,chi1,chi2)

precession.deltachilimits_plusminus(kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, precomputedroots=None)
precession.deltachilimits_rectangle(chieff, q, chi1, chi2)

Limits on the asymptotic angular momentum. The contraints considered depend on the inputs provided. - If r, q, chi1, and chi2 are provided, the limits are given by kappa=S1+S2. - If r, chieff, q, chi1, and chi2 are provided, the limits are given by the two spin-orbit resonances. The boolean flag enforce allows raising an error in case the inputs are not compatible.

r: float, optional (default: None)

Binary separation.

chieff: float, optional (default: None)

Effective spin.

q: float, optional (default: None)

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

enforce: boolean, optional (default: False)

If True raise errors, if False raise warnings.

kappainfmin: float

Minimum value of the asymptotic angular momentum kappainf.

kappainfmin: float

Minimum value of the asymptotic angular momentum kappainf.


kappainfmin,kappainfmin = kappainflimits(r=None,chieff=None,q=None,chi1=None,chi2=None,enforce=False)

precession.deltachioft(t, kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, precomputedroots=None)

Evolution of S on the precessional timescale (without radiation reaction). The broadcasting rules for this function are more general than those of the rest of the code. The variable t is allowed to have shapes (N,M) while all the other variables have shape (N,). This is useful to sample M precession configuration for each of the N binaries specified as inputs.

t: float


J: float

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float

Binary separation.

chieff: float

Effective spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

precomputedroots: array, optional (default: None)

Pre-computed output of Ssroots for computational efficiency.

S: float

Magnitude of the total spin.


S = Soft(t,J,r,chieff,q,chi1,chi2,precomputedroots=None)

precession.deltachirescaling(deltachitilde, kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, precomputedroots=None)
precession.deltachiresonance(kappa=None, r=None, u=None, chieff=None, q=None, chi1=None, chi2=None)

Assuming that the inputs correspond to a spin-orbit resonance, find the corresponding value of S. There will be two roots that are conincident if not for numerical errors: for concreteness, return the mean of the real part. This function does not check that the input is a resonance; it is up to the user. Provide either J or kappa and either r or u.

J: float, optional (default: None)

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

kappa: float, optional (default: None)

Regularized angular momentum (J^2-L^2)/(2L).

r: float, optional (default: None)

Binary separation.

u: float, optional (default: None)

Compactified separation 1/(2L).

chieff: float, optional (default: None)

Effective spin.

q: float, optional (default: None)

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

S: float

Magnitude of the total spin.


S = Satresonance(J=None,kappa=None,r=None,u=None,chieff=None,q=None,chi1=None,chi2=None)

precession.deltachiroots(kappa, u, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, full_output=True, precomputedroots=None)

Roots of the cubic equation in S^2 that identifies the effective potentials.

J: float

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float

Binary separation.

chieff: float

Effective spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

precomputedroots: array, optional (default: None)

Pre-computed output of Ssroots for computational efficiency.

Sminuss: float

Lowest physical root, if present, of the effective potential equation.

Spluss: float

Largest physical root, if present, of the effective potential equation.

S3s: float

Spurious root of the effective potential equation.


Sminuss,Spluss,S3s = Ssroots(J,r,chieff,q,chi1,chi2,precomputedroots=None)

precession.deltachisampling(kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, N=1, precomputedroots=None)

Sample N values of S at fixed separation accoring to its PN-weighted distribution function. Can only be used to sample the same number of configuration for each binary. If the inputs J,r,chieff,q,chi1, and chi2 have shape (M,) the output will have shape - (M,N) if M>1 and N>1; - (M,) if N=1; - (N,) if M=1.

J: float

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float

Binary separation.

chieff: float

Effective spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

N: integer, optional (default: 1)

Number of samples.

S: float

Magnitude of the total spin.


S = Ssampling(J,r,chieff,q,chi1,chi2,N = 1)

precession.deltachitildeav(m, tol=1e-07)

Factor depending on the elliptic parameter in the precession averaged squared total spin. This is (1 - E(m)/K(m)) / m.

m: float

Parameter of elliptic function(s).

coeff: float



coeff = deltachitildeav(m)

precession.deltachitildeav2(m, tol=1e-07)

Factor depending on the elliptic parameter in the precession averaged squared total spin. This is (1 - E(m)/K(m)) / m.

m: float

Parameter of elliptic function(s).

coeff: float



coeff = deltachitildeav(m)

precession.dot_nested(x, y)

Dot product between 2D arrays along last axis.


Input array.


Input array.


Dot product array.


z = dot_nested(x, y)

precession.ellippi(n, phi, m)

Incomplete elliptic integral of the third kind. This is reconstructed using scipy’s implementation of Carlson’s R integrals (arxiv:math/9409227).

n: foat

Characheristic of the elliptic integral.

phi: float

Amplitude of the elliptic integral.

m: float

Parameter of the elliptic integral

piintegral: float

Incomplete elliptic integral of the third kind


piintegral = precession.ellippi(n, phi, m)

precession.elliptic_parameter(kappa, u, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, precomputedroots=None)

Parameter m entering elliptic functions for the evolution of S.

Sminuss: float

Lowest physical root, if present, of the effective potential equation.

Spluss: float

Largest physical root, if present, of the effective potential equation.

S3s: float

Spurious root of the effective potential equation.

m: float

Parameter of elliptic function(s).


m = elliptic_parameter(Sminuss,Spluss,S3s)

precession.eval_J(theta1=None, theta2=None, deltaphi=None, kappa=None, r=None, q=None, chi1=None, chi2=None)

Magnitude of the total angular momentum. Provide either (theta1,theta,deltaphi,r,q,chi1,chhi2) or (kappa,r,q).

theta1: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.

theta2: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between orbital angular momentum and secondary spin.

deltaphi: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between the projections of the two spins onto the orbital plane.

kappa: float, optional (default: None)

Regularized angular momentum (J^2-L^2)/(2L).

r: float, optional (default: None)

Binary separation.

q: float, optional (default: None)

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

J: float

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.


J = eval_J(theta1=None,theta2=None,deltaphi=None,kappa=None,r=None,q=None,chi1=None,chi2=None)

precession.eval_L(r, q)

Newtonian angular momentum of the binary.

r: float

Binary separation.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

L: float

Magnitude of the Newtonian orbital angular momentum.


L = eval_L(r,q)

precession.eval_OmegaL(deltachi, kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2)

Compute the precession frequency OmegaL along the precession cycle.

S: float

Magnitude of the total spin.

J: float

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float

Binary separation.

chieff: float

Effective spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

OmegaL: float

Precession frequency of L about J.


OmegaL = eval_OmegaL(S,J,r,chieff,q,chi1,chi2)

precession.eval_S(theta1, theta2, deltaphi, q, chi1, chi2)

Magnitude of the total spin from the spin angles.

theta1: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.

theta2: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and secondary spin.

deltaphi: float

Angle between the projections of the two spins onto the orbital plane.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

S: float

Magnitude of the total spin.


S = eval_S(theta1,theta2,deltaphi,q,chi1,chi2)

precession.eval_S1(q, chi1)

Spin angular momentum of the heavier black hole.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

S1: float

Magnitude of the primary spin.


S1 = eval_S1(q,chi1)

precession.eval_S2(q, chi2)

Spin angular momentum of the lighter black hole.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

S2: float

Magnitude of the secondary spin.


S2 = eval_S2(q,chi2)

precession.eval_S_from_deltachi(deltachi, kappa, r, chieff, q)
precession.eval_alpha(kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, precomputedroots=None)
precession.eval_bracket_omega(kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, precomputedroots=None)

Precession average of the precession frequency of S as it oscillates from S- to S+ back to S-

J: float

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float

Binary separation.

xi: float

Effective spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

precomputedroots: array, optional (default: None)

Pre-computed output of Ssroots for computational efficiency.

bracket_omega: float

Precession averaged precession frequency.


bracket_omega = eval_bracket_omega(J,r,xi,q,chi1,chi2,precomputedroots=None)

precession.eval_bracket_theta(kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, **kwargs)

Precession average of precession amplitude of S as it oscillates from S- to S+ back to S-

J: float

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float

Binary separation.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

bracket_theta: float

Precession-averaged precession amplitude.


bracket_theta = eval_bracket_theta(J,r,xi,q,chi1,chi2,precomputedroots=None)

precession.eval_chi1(q, S1)

Spin angular momentum of the heavier black hole.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

S1: float

Magnitude of the primary spin.


S1 = eval_S1(q,chi1)

precession.eval_chi2(q, S2)

Spin angular momentum of the heavier black hole.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

S1: float

Magnitude of the primary spin.


S1 = eval_S1(q,chi1)

precession.eval_chieff(theta1, theta2, q, chi1, chi2)

Eftective spin. Provide either (theta1,theta2,q,chi1,chi2) or (S,varphi,J,r,q,chi1,chi2).

theta1: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.

theta2: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between orbital angular momentum and secondary spin.

S: float, optional (default: None)

Magnitude of the total spin.

varphi: float, optional (default: None)

Generalized nutation coordinate (Eq 9 in arxiv:1506.03492).

J: float, optional (default: None)

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float, optional (default: None)

Binary separation.

q: float, optional (default: None)

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

chieff: float

Effective spin.


chieff = eval_chieff(theta1=None,theta2=None,S=None,varphi=None,J=None,r=None,q=None,chi1=None,chi2=None)

precession.eval_chip(theta1=None, theta2=None, deltaphi=None, deltachi=None, kappa=None, r=None, chieff=None, q=None, chi1=None, chi2=None, which='averaged', **kwargs)

Compute the effective precessing spin chip, see arxiv:2011.11948. The keyword which one of the following definitions: - heuristic, as in Schmidt et al 2015. Required inputs: theta1,theta2,q,chi1,chi2 - generalized, retail all precession-timescale variations. Required inputs: theta1,theta2,deltaphi,q,chi1,chi2 - asymptotic, large-separation limit. Required inputs: theta1,theta2,q,chi1,chi2 - averaged (default), averages over all precession-timescale variations. Required inputs are either (theta1,theta2,deltaphi,r,q,chi1,chi2) or (J,r,chieff,q,chi1,chi2). The additional keywords methods and Nsamples are passed to precession_average.

theta1: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.

theta2: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between orbital angular momentum and secondary spin.

deltaphi: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between the projections of the two spins onto the orbital plane.

J: float, optional (default: None)

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float, optional (default: None)

Binary separation.

chieff: float, optional (default: None)

Effective spin.

q: float, optional (default: None)

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

which: string, optional (default: “averaged”)

Select function behavior.

method: string (default: ‘quadrature’)

Either ‘quadrature’ or ‘montecarlo’

Nsamples: integer (default: 1e4)

Number of Monte Carlo samples.

chip: float

Effective precessing spin chip.


chip = eval_chip(theta1=None,theta2=None,deltaphi=None,J=None,r=None,chieff=None,q=None,chi1=None,chi2=None,which=”averaged”,method=’quadrature’,Nsamples=1e4)

precession.eval_chip_averaged(kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, **kwargs)

Averaged definition of the effective precessing spin chip, see arxiv:2011.11948. This definition consistently averages over all variations on the precession timescale. Valid inputs are one of the following (but not both) - theta1, theta2, deltaphi - J, chieff The parameters r, q, chi1, and chi2 should always be provided. The keywords arguments method and Nsamples are passed directly to precession_average.

theta1: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.

theta2: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between orbital angular momentum and secondary spin.

deltaphi: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between the projections of the two spins onto the orbital plane.

J: float, optional (default: None)

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float, optional (default: None)

Binary separation.

chieff: float, optional (default: None)

Effective spin.

q: float, optional (default: None)

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

method: string (default: ‘quadrature’)

Either ‘quadrature’ or ‘montecarlo’

Nsamples: integer (default: 1e4)

Number of Monte Carlo samples.

chip: float

Effective precessing spin chip.


chip = eval_chip_averaged(theta1=None,theta2=None,deltaphi=None,J=None,r=None,chieff=None,q=None,chi1=None,chi2=None,method=’quadrature’,Nsamples=1e4)

precession.eval_chip_generalized(theta1, theta2, deltaphi, q, chi1, chi2)

Generalized definition of the effective precessing spin chip, see arxiv:2011.11948. This definition retains all variations on the precession timescale.

theta1: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.

theta2: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and secondary spin.

deltaphi: float

Angle between the projections of the two spins onto the orbital plane.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

chip: float

Effective precessing spin chip.


chip = eval_chip_generalized(theta1,theta2,deltaphi,q,chi1,chi2)

precession.eval_chip_heuristic(theta1, theta2, q, chi1, chi2)

Heuristic definition of the effective precessing spin chip (Schmidt et al 2015), see arxiv:2011.11948. This definition inconsistently averages over some, but not all, variations on the precession timescale.

theta1: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.

theta2: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and secondary spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

chip: float

Effective precessing spin chip.


chip = eval_chip_heuristic(theta1,theta2,q,chi1,chi2)

precession.eval_chip_rms(kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2)
precession.eval_cosdeltaphi(deltachi, kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2)

Cosine of the angle deltaphi between the projections of the two spins onto the orbital plane.

S: float

Magnitude of the total spin.

J: float

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float

Binary separation.

chieff: float

Effective spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

cosdeltaphi: float

Cosine of the angle between the projections of the two spins onto the orbital plane.


cosdeltaphi = eval_cosdeltaphi(S,J,r,chieff,q,chi1,chi2)

precession.eval_costheta1(deltachi, chieff, q, chi1)

Cosine of the angle theta1 between the orbital angular momentum and the spin of the primary black hole.

S: float

Magnitude of the total spin.

J: float

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float

Binary separation.

chieff: float

Effective spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

costheta1: float

Cosine of the angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.


costheta1 = eval_costheta1(S,J,r,chieff,q,chi1,chi2)

precession.eval_costheta12(theta1=None, theta2=None, deltaphi=None, deltachi=None, kappa=None, chieff=None, q=None, chi1=None, chi2=None)

Cosine of the angle theta12 between the two spins. Valid inputs are either (theta1,theta2,deltaphi) or (S,q,chi1,chi2).

theta1: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.

theta2: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between orbital angular momentum and secondary spin.

deltaphi: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between the projections of the two spins onto the orbital plane.

S: float, optional (default: None)

Magnitude of the total spin.

q: float, optional (default: None)

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

costheta12: float

Cosine of the angle between the two spins.


costheta12 = eval_costheta12(theta1=None,theta2=None,deltaphi=None,S=None,q=None,chi1=None,chi2=None)

precession.eval_costheta2(deltachi, chieff, q, chi2)

Cosine of the angle theta1 between the orbital angular momentum and the spin of the primary black hole.

S: float

Magnitude of the total spin.

J: float

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float

Binary separation.

chieff: float

Effective spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

costheta1: float

Cosine of the angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.


costheta1 = eval_costheta1(S,J,r,chieff,q,chi1,chi2)

precession.eval_costhetaL(deltachi, kappa, r, chieff, q)

Cosine of the angle thetaL betwen orbital angular momentum and total angular momentum.

S: float

Magnitude of the total spin.

J: float

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float

Binary separation.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

costhetaL: float

Cosine of the angle betwen orbital angular momentum and total angular momentum.


costhetaL = eval_costhetaL(S,J,r,q,chi1,chi2)

precession.eval_cyclesign(ddeltachidt=None, deltaphi=None, Lvec=None, S1vec=None, S2vec=None)

Evaluate if the input parameters are in the first of the second half of a precession cycle. We refer to this as the ‘sign’ of a precession cycle, defined as +1 if S is increasing and -1 S is decreasing. Valid inputs are one and not more of the following: - dSdt - deltaphi - varphi - Lvec, S1vec, S2vec.

dSdt: float, optional (default: None)

Time derivative of the total spin.

deltaphi: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between the projections of the two spins onto the orbital plane.

varphi: float, optional (default: None)

Generalized nutation coordinate (Eq 9 in arxiv:1506.03492).

Lvec: array, optional (default: None)

Cartesian vector of the orbital angular momentum.

S1vec: array, optional (default: None)

Cartesian vector of the primary spin.

S2vec: array, optional (default: None)

Cartesian vector of the secondary spin.

cyclesign: integer

Sign (either +1 or -1) to cover the two halves of a precesion cycle.


cyclesign = eval_cyclesign(dSdt=None,deltaphi=None,varphi=None,Lvec=None,S1vec=None,S2vec=None)

precession.eval_delta_omega(kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, precomputedroots=None)

Variation of the precession frequency of S as it oscillates from S- to S+ back to S- due to nutational effects

J: float

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float

Binary separation.

xi: float

Effective spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

precomputedroots: array, optional (default: None)

Pre-computed output of Ssroots for computational efficiency.

delta_omega: float

Precession frequency variation due to nutation.


delta_omega = eval_delta_omega(J,r,xi,q,chi1,chi2,precomputedroots=None)

precession.eval_delta_theta(kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, precomputedroots=None)

Nutation amplitude of S as it oscillates from S- to S+ back to S-

J: float

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float

Binary separation.

xi: float

Effective spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

precomputedroots: array, optional (default: None)

Pre-computed output of Ssroots for computational efficiency.

delta_theta: float

Nutation amplitude.


delta_theta = eval_delta_theta(J,r,xi,q,chi1,chi2,precomputedroots=None)

precession.eval_deltachi(theta1, theta2, q, chi1, chi2)

Eftective spin. Provide either (theta1,theta2,q,chi1,chi2) or (S,varphi,J,r,q,chi1,chi2).

theta1: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.

theta2: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between orbital angular momentum and secondary spin.

S: float, optional (default: None)

Magnitude of the total spin.

varphi: float, optional (default: None)

Generalized nutation coordinate (Eq 9 in arxiv:1506.03492).

J: float, optional (default: None)

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float, optional (default: None)

Binary separation.

q: float, optional (default: None)

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

chieff: float

Effective spin.


chieff = eval_chieff(theta1=None,theta2=None,S=None,varphi=None,J=None,r=None,q=None,chi1=None,chi2=None)

precession.eval_deltachiinf(kappa, chieff, q, chi1, chi2)
precession.eval_deltaphi(deltachi, kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, cyclesign=1)

Angle deltaphi between the projections of the two spins onto the orbital plane. By default this is returned in [0,pi]. Setting cyclesign=-1 returns the other half of the precession cycle [-pi,0].

S: float

Magnitude of the total spin.

J: float

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float

Binary separation.

chieff: float

Effective spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

cyclesign: integer, optional (default: -1)

Sign (either +1 or -1) to cover the two halves of a precesion cycle.

deltaphi: float

Angle between the projections of the two spins onto the orbital plane.


deltaphi = eval_deltaphi(S,J,r,chieff,q,chi1,chi2,cyclesign=-1)


Symmetric mass ratio eta = m1*m2/(m1+m2)^2 = q/(1+q)^2.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

eta: float

Symmetric mass ratio 0<=eta<=1/4.


eta = eval_eta(q)

precession.eval_kappa(theta1=None, theta2=None, deltaphi=None, J=None, r=None, q=None, chi1=None, chi2=None)

Change of dependent variable to regularize the infinite orbital separation limit of the precession-averaged evolution equation.

J: float

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float

Binary separation.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

kappa: float

Regularized angular momentum (J^2-L^2)/(2L).


kappa = eval_kappa(J,r,q)


Mass of the heavier black hole in units of the total mass.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

m1: float

Mass of the primary (heavier) black hole.


m1 = eval_m1(q)


Mass of the lighter black hole in units of the total mass.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

m2: float

Mass of the secondary (lighter) black hole.


m2 = eval_m2(q)

precession.eval_nutation_freq(kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, precomputedroots=None)

Nutation frequency of S as it oscillates from S- to S+ back to S-

J: float

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float

Binary separation.

xi: float

Effective spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

precomputedroots: array, optional (default: None)

Pre-computed output of Ssroots for computational efficiency.

little_omega: float

Nutation frequency.


little_omega = eval_little_omega(J,r,xi,q,chi1,chi2,precomputedroots=None)

precession.eval_phiL(deltachi, kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, cyclesign=1, precomputedroots=None)
precession.eval_q(m1, m2)

Mass ratio, 0 < q = m2/m1 < 1.

m1: float

Mass of the primary (heavier) black hole.

m2: float

Mass of the secondary (lighter) black hole.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.


q = eval_q(m1,m2)

precession.eval_r(L=None, u=None, q=None)

Orbital separation of the binary. Valid inputs are either (L,q) or (u,q).

L: float, optional (default: None)

Magnitude of the Newtonian orbital angular momentum.

u: float, optional (default: None)

Compactified separation 1/(2L).

q: float, optional (default: None)

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

r: float

Binary separation.


r = eval_r(L=None,u=None,q=None)

precession.eval_tau(kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, precomputedroots=None, return_psiperiod=False, donotnormalize=False)
precession.eval_theta1(deltachi, chieff, q, chi1)
precession.eval_theta12(theta1=None, theta2=None, deltaphi=None, deltachi=None, kappa=None, chieff=None, q=None, chi1=None, chi2=None)
precession.eval_theta2(deltachi, chieff, q, chi2)
precession.eval_thetaL(deltachi, kappa, r, chieff, q)

Angle thetaL betwen orbital angular momentum and total angular momentum.

S: float

Magnitude of the total spin.

J: float

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float

Binary separation.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

thetaL: float

Angle betwen orbital angular momentum and total angular momentum.


thetaL = eval_thetaL(S,J,r,q,chi1,chi2)

precession.eval_u(r, q)

Change of independent variable to regularize the infinite orbital separation limit of the precession-averaged evolution equation.

r: float

Binary separation.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

u: float

Compactified separation 1/(2L).


u = eval_u(r,q)


Newtonian orbital velocity of the binary.

r: float

Binary separation.

v: float

Newtonian orbital velocity.


v = eval_v(r)

precession.gwfrequency_to_pnseparation(theta1, theta2, deltaphi, fGW, q, chi1, chi2, M_msun, PNorder=[0, 1, 1.5, 2])

Convert GW frequency (in Hz) to PN orbital separation (in natural units, c=G=M=1). We use the 2PN expression reported in Eq. 4.13 of Kidder 1995, arxiv:gr-qc/9506022.

theta1: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.

theta2: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and secondary spin.

deltaphi: float

Angle between the projections of the two spins onto the orbital plane.

f: float

Gravitational-wave frequency in Hz.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

M_msun: float

Total mass of the binary in solar masses.

r: float

Binary separation.


r = gwfrequency_to_pnseparation(theta1,theta2,deltaphi,f,q,chi1,chi2,M_msun)

precession.inspiral(*args, which=None, **kwargs)

TODO write docstings. This is the ultimate wrapper the user should call.

precession.inspiral_hybrid(theta1=None, theta2=None, deltaphi=None, deltachi=None, kappa=None, r=None, rswitch=None, u=None, uswitch=None, chieff=None, q=None, chi1=None, chi2=None, requested_outputs=None, **odeint_kwargs)

Perform hybrid inspirals, i.e. evolve the binary at large separation with a pression-averaged evolution and at small separation with an orbit-averaged evolution, properly matching the two. The variables q, chi1, and chi2 must always be provided. The integration range must be specified using either r or u (and not both); provide also uswitch and rswitch consistently. The initial conditions correspond to the binary at either r[0] or u[0]. The vector r or u needs to monotonic increasing or decreasing, allowing to integrate forward and backward in time. If integrating forward in time, perform the precession-average evolution first and then swith to orbit averaging. If integrating backward in time, perform the orbit-average evolution first and then swith to precession averaging. For infinitely large separation in the precession-averaged case, use r=np.inf or u=0. The switch value will not part of the output unless it is also present in the r/u array. The initial conditions must be specified in terms of one an only one of the following: - theta1,theta2, and deltaphi (but note that deltaphi is not necessary if integrating from infinite separation). - J, chieff (only if integrating from finite separations because J otherwise diverges). - kappa, chieff. The desired outputs can be specified with a list e.g. requested_outputs=[‘theta1’,’theta2’,’deltaphi’]. All the available variables are returned by default. These are: [‘theta1’, ‘theta2’, ‘deltaphi’, ‘S’, ‘J’, ‘kappa’, ‘r’, ‘u’, ‘chieff’, ‘q’, ‘chi1’, ‘chi2’].

theta1: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.

theta2: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between orbital angular momentum and secondary spin.

deltaphi: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between the projections of the two spins onto the orbital plane.

S: float, optional (default: None)

Magnitude of the total spin.

J: float, optional (default: None)

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

kappa: float, optional (default: None)

Regularized angular momentum (J^2-L^2)/(2L).

r: float, optional (default: None)

Binary separation.

rswitch: float, optional (default: None)

Matching separation between the precession- and orbit-averaged chunks.

u: float, optional (default: None)

Compactified separation 1/(2L).

uswitch: float, optional (default: None)

Matching compactified separation between the precession- and orbit-averaged chunks.

chieff: float, optional (default: None)

Effective spin.

q: float, optional (default: None)

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

requested_outputs: list, optional (default: None)

Set of outputs.

outputs: dictionary

Set of outputs.


outputs = inspiral_hybrid(theta1=None,theta2=None,deltaphi=None,S=None,J=None,kappa=None,r=None,rswitch=None,u=None,uswitch=None,chieff=None,q=None,chi1=None,chi2=None,requested_outputs=None)

precession.inspiral_orbav(theta1=None, theta2=None, deltaphi=None, Lh=None, S1h=None, S2h=None, deltachi=None, kappa=None, r=None, u=None, chieff=None, q=None, chi1=None, chi2=None, cyclesign=1, PNorderpre=[0, 0.5], PNorderrad=[0, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5], requested_outputs=None, **odeint_kwargs)

Perform orbit-averaged inspirals. The variables q, chi1, and chi2 must always be provided. The integration range must be specified using either r or u (and not both). The initial conditions correspond to the binary at either r[0] or u[0]. The vector r or u needs to monotonic increasing or decreasing, allowing to integrate forward and backward in time. Orbit-averaged integration can only be done between finite separations. The initial conditions must be specified in terms of one an only one of the following: - Lh, S1h, and S2h - theta1,theta2, and deltaphi. - J, chieff, and S. - kappa, chieff, and S. The desired outputs can be specified with a list e.g. requested_outputs=[‘theta1’,’theta2’,’deltaphi’]. All the available variables are returned by default. These are: [‘t’, ‘theta1’, ‘theta2’, ‘deltaphi’, ‘S’, ‘Lh’, ‘S1h’, ‘S2h’, ‘J’, ‘kappa’, ‘r’, ‘u’, ‘chieff’, ‘q’, ‘chi1’, ‘chi2’]

theta1: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.

theta2: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between orbital angular momentum and secondary spin.

deltaphi: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between the projections of the two spins onto the orbital plane.

S: float, optional (default: None)

Magnitude of the total spin.

Lh: array, optional (default: None)

Direction of the orbital angular momentum, unit vector.

S1h: array, optional (default: None)

Direction of the primary spin, unit vector.

S2h: array, optional (default: None)

Direction of the secondary spin, unit vector.

J: float, optional (default: None)

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

kappa: float, optional (default: None)

Regularized angular momentum (J^2-L^2)/(2L).

r: float, optional (default: None)

Binary separation.

u: float, optional (default: None)

Compactified separation 1/(2L).

chieff: float, optional (default: None)

Effective spin.

q: float, optional (default: None)

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

MISSING: COULD NOT BUILD, optional (default: False)


requested_outputs: list, optional (default: None)

Set of outputs.

outputs: dictionary

Set of outputs.


outputs = inspiral_orbav(theta1=None,theta2=None,deltaphi=None,S=None,Lh=None,S1h=None,S2h=None,J=None,kappa=None,r=None,u=None,chieff=None,q=None,chi1=None,chi2=None,quadrupole_formula=False,requested_outputs=None)

precession.inspiral_precav(theta1=None, theta2=None, deltaphi=None, deltachi=None, kappa=None, r=None, u=None, chieff=None, q=None, chi1=None, chi2=None, requested_outputs=None, **odeint_kwargs)

Perform precession-averaged inspirals. The variables q, chi1, and chi2 must always be provided. The integration range must be specified using either r or u (and not both). The initial conditions correspond to the binary at either r[0] or u[0]. The vector r or u needs to monotonic increasing or decreasing, allowing to integrate forward and backward in time. In addition, integration can be done between finite separations, forward from infinite to finite separation, or backward from finite to infinite separation. For infinity, use r=np.inf or u=0. The initial conditions must be specified in terms of one an only one of the following: - theta1,theta2, and deltaphi (but note that deltaphi is not necessary if integrating from infinite separation). - J, chieff (only if integrating from finite separations because J otherwise diverges). - kappa, chieff. The desired outputs can be specified with a list e.g. requested_outputs=[‘theta1’,’theta2’,’deltaphi’]. All the available variables are returned by default. These are: [‘theta1’, ‘theta2’, ‘deltaphi’, ‘S’, ‘J’, ‘kappa’, ‘r’, ‘u’, ‘chieff’, ‘q’, ‘chi1’, ‘chi2’].

theta1: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.

theta2: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between orbital angular momentum and secondary spin.

deltaphi: float, optional (default: None)

Angle between the projections of the two spins onto the orbital plane.

S: float, optional (default: None)

Magnitude of the total spin.

J: float, optional (default: None)

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

kappa: float, optional (default: None)

Regularized angular momentum (J^2-L^2)/(2L).

r: float, optional (default: None)

Binary separation.

u: float, optional (default: None)

Compactified separation 1/(2L).

chieff: float, optional (default: None)

Effective spin.

q: float, optional (default: None)

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

requested_outputs: list, optional (default: None)

Set of outputs.

outputs: dictionary

Set of outputs.


outputs = inspiral_precav(theta1=None,theta2=None,deltaphi=None,S=None,J=None,kappa=None,r=None,u=None,chieff=None,q=None,chi1=None,chi2=None,requested_outputs=None)

precession.integrator_orbav(Lhinitial, S1hinitial, S2hinitial, v, q, chi1, chi2, PNorderpre=[0, 0.5], PNorderrad=[0, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5], **odeint_kwargs)

Integration of the systems of ODEs describing orbit-averaged inspirals. Integration is performed in a reference frame where the z axis is along J and L lies in the x-z plane at the initial separation.

Lhinitial: array

Initial direction of the orbital angular momentum, unit vector.

S1hinitial: array

Initial direction of the primary spin, unit vector.

S2hinitial: array

Initial direction of the secondary spin, unit vector.

vinitial: float

Initial value of the newtonian orbital velocity.

vfinal: float

Final value of the newtonian orbital velocity.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

MISSING: COULD NOT BUILD, optional (default: False)


ODEsolution: array of scipy OdeSolution objects

Solution of the ODE. Key method is .sol(t).


ODEsolution = integrator_orbav(Lhinitial,S1hinitial,S2hinitial,vinitial,vfinal,q,chi1,chi2,quadrupole_formula=False)

precession.integrator_precav(kappainitial, u, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, **odeint_kwargs)

Integration of ODE dkappa/du describing precession-averaged inspirals.

kappainitial: float

Initial value of the regularized momentum kappa.

uinitial: float

Initial value of the compactified separation 1/(2L).

ufinal: float

Final value of the compactified separation 1/(2L).

chieff: float

Effective spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

kappa: float

Regularized angular momentum (J^2-L^2)/(2L).


kappa = integrator_precav(kappainitial,uinitial,ufinal,chieff,q,chi1,chi2)

precession.intertial_ingredients(kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2)

Numerical prefactors entering the precession frequency.

J: float

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float

Binary separation.

chieff: float

Effective spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

mathcalC0: float

Prefactor in the OmegaL equation.

mathcalCplus: float

Prefactor in the OmegaL equation.

mathcalCminus: float

Prefactor in the OmegaL equation.


mathcalC0,mathcalCplus,mathcalCminus = frequency_prefactor_old(J,r,chieff,q,chi1,chi2)

precession.inverseaffine(rescaled, low, up)
precession.ismonotonic(vec, which)

Check if an array is monotonic. The parameter which can takes the following values: - < check array is strictly increasing. - <= check array is increasing. - > check array is strictly decreasing. - >= check array is decreasing.

vec: array

Input array.

which: string

Select function behavior.

check: boolean



check = ismonotonic(vec, which):

precession.kappadiscriminant_coefficients(u, chieff, q, chi1, chi2)

Coefficients of the quintic equation in kappa that defines the spin-orbit resonances.

u: float

Compactified separation 1/(2L).

chieff: float

Effective spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

coeff5: float

Coefficient to the x^5 term in polynomial.

coeff4: float

Coefficient to the x^4 term in polynomial.

coeff3: float

Coefficient to the x^3 term in polynomial.

coeff2: float

Coefficient to the x^2 term in polynomial.

coeff1: float

Coefficient to the x^1 term in polynomial.

coeff0: float

Coefficient to the x^0 term in polynomial.


coeff5,coeff4,coeff3,coeff2,coeff1,coeff0 = kappadiscriminant_coefficients(u,chieff,q,chi1,chi2)

precession.kappalimits(r=None, chieff=None, q=None, chi1=None, chi2=None, enforce=False, **kwargs)

Limits on the magnitude of the total angular momentum. The contraints considered depend on the inputs provided. - If r, q, chi1, and chi2 are provided, the limits are given by J=L+S1+S2. - If r, chieff, q, chi1, and chi2 are provided, the limits are given by the two spin-orbit resonances. The boolean flag enforce allows raising an error in case the inputs are not compatible.

r: float, optional (default: None)

Binary separation.

chieff: float, optional (default: None)

Effective spin.

q: float, optional (default: None)

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float, optional (default: None)

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

enforce: boolean, optional (default: False)

If True raise errors, if False raise warnings.

Jmin: float

Minimum value of the total angular momentum J.

Jmax: float

Maximum value of the total angular momentum J.


Jmin,Jmax = Jlimits(r=None,chieff=None,q=None,chi1=None,chi2=None,enforce=False)

precession.kappalimits_geometrical(r, q, chi1, chi2)
precession.kapparescaling(kappatilde, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2)
precession.kapparesonances(r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, tol=0.0001)

Regularized angular momentum of the two spin-orbit resonances. The resonances minimizes and maximizes kappa for a given value of chieff. The minimum corresponds to deltaphi=pi and the maximum corresponds to deltaphi=0. Examples ——– kappamin,kappamax = kapparesonances(u,chieff,q,chi1,chi2) Parameters ———- u: float

Compactified separation 1/(2L).

chieff: float

Effective spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

tol: FIX ME Returns ——- kappamin: float

Minimum value of the regularized angular momentum kappa.

kappamax: float

Maximum value of the regularized angular momentum kappa.

precession.limits_check(S=None, J=None, r=None, chieff=None, q=None, chi1=None, chi2=None)

Check if the inputs are consistent with the geometrical constraints.

S: float

Magnitude of the total spin.

J: float, optional

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float, optional

Binary separation.

chieff: float, optional

Effective spin

q: float

Mass ratio: 0 <= q <= 1.

chi1: float, optional

Dimensionless spin of the primary black hole: 0 <= chi1 <= 1.

chi2: float, optional

Dimensionless spin of the secondary black hole: 0 <= chi1 <= 1.

check: bool

True if the given parameters are compatible with each other, false if not.


Masses of the two black holes in units of the total mass.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

m1: float

Mass of the primary (heavier) black hole.

m2: float

Mass of the secondary (lighter) black hole.


m1,m2 = masses(q)

precession.morphology(kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, simpler=False, precomputedroots=None)

Evaluate the spin morphology and return L0 for librating about deltaphi=0, Lpi for librating about deltaphi=pi, C- for circulating from deltaphi=pi to deltaphi=0, and C+ for circulating from deltaphi=0 to deltaphi=pi. If simpler=True, do not distinguish between the two circulating morphologies and return C for both.

J: float

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float

Binary separation.

chieff: float

Effective spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

simpler: boolean, optional (default: False)

If True simplifies output.

morph: string

Spin morphology.


morph = morphology(J,r,chieff,q,chi1,chi2,simpler = False)


Norm of 2D array of shape (N,3) along last axis.


Input array.


Norm of the input arrays.


n = norm_nested(x)


Normalize 2D array of shape (N,3) along last axis.


Input array.


Normalized array.


y = normalize_nested(x)

precession.omegasq_aligned(r, q, chi1, chi2, which)

Squared oscillation frequency of a given perturbed aligned-spin binary. The flag which needs to be set to uu for up-up, ud for up-down, du for down-up or dd for down-down where the term before (after) the hyphen refers to the spin of the heavier (lighter) black hole.

r: float

Binary separation.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

which: string

Select function behavior.

omegasq: float

Squared frequency.


omegasq = omegasq_aligned(r,q,chi1,chi2,which)

precession.pnseparation_to_gwfrequency(theta1, theta2, deltaphi, r, q, chi1, chi2, M_msun, PNorder=[0, 1, 1.5, 2])

Convert PN orbital separation in natural units (c=G=M=1) to GW frequency in Hz. We use the 2PN expression reported in Eq. 4.5 of Kidder 1995, arxiv:gr-qc/9506022.

theta1: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.

theta2: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and secondary spin.

deltaphi: float

Angle between the projections of the two spins onto the orbital plane.

f: float

Gravitational-wave frequency in Hz.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

M_msun: float

Total mass of the binary in solar masses.

r: float

Binary separation.


r = pnseparation_to_gwfrequency(theta1,theta2,deltaphi,f,q,chi1,chi2,M_msun)

precession.precession_average(kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, func, *args, method='quadrature', Nsamples=10000.0)

Average a generic function over a precession cycle. The function needs to have call: func(S, *args). Keywords arguments are not supported.

There are integration methods implemented: - method=’quadrature’ uses scipy.integrate.quad. This is set by default and should be preferred. - method=’montecarlo’ samples t(S) and approximate the integral with a Monte Carlo sum. The number of samples can be specifed by Nsamples.

J: float

Magnitude of the total angular momentum.

r: float

Binary separation.

chieff: float

Effective spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

func: function

Function to precession-average.

*args: tuple

Extra arguments to pass to func.

method: string (default: ‘quadrature’)

Either ‘quadrature’ or ‘montecarlo’

Nsamples: integer (default: 1e4)

Number of Monte Carlo samples.

func_av: float

Precession averaged value of func.


func_av = precession_average(J,r,chieff,q,chi1,chi2,func,*args,method=’quadrature’,Nsamples=1e4)

precession.reminantspindirection(theta1, theta2, deltaphi, rplunge, q, chi1, chi2)

Angle between the spin of the remnant and the binary angular momentum, assuming that the spins stays in the direction of the total angular momentu ‘at plunge’

precession.remnantkick(theta1, theta2, deltaphi, q, chi1, chi2, kms=False, maxphase=False, superkick=True, hangupkick=True, crosskick=True, full_output=False)

Estimate the kick of the merger remnant. We collect various numerical-relativity results, as described in Gerosa and Kesden 2016. Flags let you switch the various contributions on and off (all on by default): superkicks (Gonzalez et al. 2007a; Campanelli et al. 2007), hang-up kicks (Lousto & Zlochower 2011), cross-kicks (Lousto & Zlochower 2013). The orbital-plane kick components are implemented as described in Kesden et al. 2010a. The final kick depends on the orbital phase at merger. By default, this is assumed to be uniformly distributed in [0,2pi]. The maximum kick is realized for Theta=0 and can be computed with the optional argument maxphase. The final kick is returned in geometrical units (i.e. vkick/c) by default, and converted to km/s if kms=True. This formula has to be applied close to merger, where numerical relativity simulations are available. You should do a PN evolution to transfer binaries at r~10M.

theta1: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.

theta2: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and secondary spin.

deltaphi: float

Angle between the projections of the two spins onto the orbital plane.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

kms: boolean, optional (default: False)

Return velocities in km/s.

maxphase: boolean, optional (default: False)

Maximize over orbital phase at merger.

superkick: boolean, optional (default: True)

Switch kick terms on and off.

hangupkick: boolean, optional (default: True)

Switch kick terms on and off.

crosskick: boolean, optional (default: True)

Switch kick terms on and off.

full_output: boolean, optional (default: False)

Return additional outputs.

vk: float

Kick of the black-hole remnant (magnitude).

Other parameters
vk_array: array

Kick of the black-hole remnant (in a frame aligned with L).


vk = remnantkick(theta1,theta2,deltaphi,q,chi1,chi2,kms=False,maxphase=False,superkick=True,hangupkick=True,crosskick=True,full_output=False) vk,vk_array = remnantkick(theta1,theta2,deltaphi,q,chi1,chi2,kms=False,maxphase=False,superkick=True,hangupkick=True,crosskick=True,full_output=True)

precession.remnantmass(theta1, theta2, q, chi1, chi2)

Estimate the final mass of the post-merger renmant. We implement the fitting formula to numerical relativity simulations by Barausse Morozova Rezzolla 2012. This formula has to be applied close to merger, where numerical relativity simulations are available. You should do a PN evolution to transfer binaries to r~10M.

theta1: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.

theta2: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and secondary spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

mfin: float

Mass of the black-hole remnant.


mfin = remnantmass(theta1,theta2,q,chi1,chi2)

precession.remnantspin(theta1, theta2, deltaphi, q, chi1, chi2, which='HBR16_34corr')

Estimate the final spin of the post-merger renmant. We implement the fitting formula to numerical relativity simulations by Barausse and Rezzolla 2009 and Hofmann, Barausse and Rezzolla 2016. This can be selected by the keywork ` which, see those references for details. By default this returns the Hofmann+ expression with nM=3, nJ=4 and corrections for the effective angles (HBR16_34corr). This formula has to be applied close to merger, where numerical relativity simulations are available. You should do a PN evolution to transfer binaries at r~10M.

theta1: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.

theta2: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and secondary spin.

deltaphi: float

Angle between the projections of the two spins onto the orbital plane.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

which: string, optional (default: ‘HBR16_34corr’)

Select function behavior.

chifin: float

Spin of the black-hole remnant.


chifin = remnantspin(theta1,theta2,deltaphi,q,chi1,chi2,which=’HBR16_34corr’)

precession.rhs_orbav(allvars, v, q, m1, m2, eta, chi1, chi2, S1, S2, PNorderpre=[0, 0.5], PNorderrad=[0, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5])

Right-hand side of the systems of ODEs describing orbit-averaged inspiral. The equations are reported in Sec 4A of Gerosa and Kesden, arXiv:1605.01067. The format is d[allvars]/dv=RHS where allvars=[Lhx,Lhy,Lhz,S1hx,S1hy,S1hz,S2hx,S2hy,S2hz,t], h indicates unite vectors, v is the orbital velocity, and t is time. This is an internal function used by the ODE integrator and is not array-compatible.

v: float

Newtonian orbital velocity.

allvars: array

Packed ODE input variables.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

m1: float

Mass of the primary (heavier) black hole.

m2: float

Mass of the secondary (lighter) black hole.

eta: float

Symmetric mass ratio 0<=eta<=1/4.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

S1: float

Magnitude of the primary spin.

S2: float

Magnitude of the secondary spin.

MISSING: COULD NOT BUILD, optional (default: False)


RHS: float

Right-hand side.


RHS = rhs_orbav(v,allvars,q,m1,m2,eta,chi1,chi2,S1,S2,quadrupole_formula=False)

precession.rhs_precav(kappa, u, chieff, q, chi1, chi2)

Right-hand side of the dkappa/du ODE describing precession-averaged inspiral. This is an internal function used by the ODE integrator and is not array-compatible. It is equivalent to Ssav and Ssavinf and it has been re-written for optimization purposes.

kappa: float

Regularized angular momentum (J^2-L^2)/(2L).

u: float

Compactified separation 1/(2L).

chieff: float

Effective spin.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

RHS: float

Right-hand side.


RHS = rhs_precav(kappa,u,chieff,q,chi1,chi2)


Locate roots of polynomial using a vectorized version of numpy.roots. Equivalent to [np.roots(x) for x in p]. Credits: stackoverflow user pv, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/35853977

p: array

Polynomial coefficients.

roots: array

Polynomial roots.


``roots = roots_vec(p)``

precession.rotate_nested(vec, align_zaxis, align_xzplane)

Rotate a given vector vec to a frame such that the vector align_zaxis lies along z and the vector align_xzplane lies in the xz plane.

precession.rupdown(q, chi1, chi2)

The critical separations r_ud+/- marking the region of the up-down precessional instability.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

rudp: float

Outer orbital separation in the up-down instability.

rudm: float

Inner orbital separation in the up-down instability.


rudp,rudm = rupdown(q,chi1,chi2)


Sample points uniformly on a sphere of unit radius. Returns array of shape (N,3).

N: integer, optional (default: 1)

Number of samples.

vec: array

Vector in Cartesian coomponents.


vec = sample_unitsphere(N = 1)

precession.scalar_nested(k, x)

Nested scalar product between a 1D and a 2D array.


Input scalar.


Input array.


Scalar product array.


y = scalar_nested(k, x)

precession.spinmags(q, chi1, chi2)

Spins of the black holes in units of the total mass.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

S1: float

Magnitude of the primary spin.

S2: float

Magnitude of the secondary spin.


S1,S2 = spinmags(q,chi1,chi2)

precession.tiler(thing, shaper)
precession.tofdeltachi(deltachi, kappa, r, chieff, q, chi1, chi2, cyclesign=1, precomputedroots=None)
precession.updown_endpoint(q, chi1, chi2)
precession.vectors_to_Jframe(Lvec, S1vec, S2vec)
precession.vectors_to_Lframe(Lvec, S1vec, S2vec)
precession.vectors_to_angles(Lvec, S1vec, S2vec)

Convert cartesian vectors (L,S1,S2) into angles (theta1,theta2,deltaphi). The convention for the sign of deltaphi is given in Eq. (2d) of arxiv:1506.03492.

Lvec: array

Cartesian vector of the orbital angular momentum.

S1vec: array

Cartesian vector of the primary spin.

S2vec: array

Cartesian vector of the secondary spin.

theta1: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and primary spin.

theta2: float

Angle between orbital angular momentum and secondary spin.

deltaphi: float

Angle between the projections of the two spins onto the orbital plane.


theta1,theta2,deltaphi = vectors_to_angles(Lvec,S1vec,S2vec)

precession.vectors_to_conserved(Lvec, S1vec, S2vec, q, full_output=False)
precession.widenutation_condition(r, q, chi1, chi2)
precession.widenutation_separation(q, chi1, chi2)

The critical separation r_wide below which the binary component with smaller dimensionless spin may undergo wide nutations.

q: float

Mass ratio: 0<=q<=1.

chi1: float

Dimensionless spin of the primary (heavier) black hole: 0<=chi1<=1.

chi2: float

Dimensionless spin of the secondary (lighter) black hole: 0<=chi2<=1.

r_wide: float

Orbital separation where wide nutations becomes possible.


r_wide = widenutation(q,chi1,chi2)

precession.wraproots(coefficientfunction, *args, **kwargs)

Find roots of a polynomial given coefficients, ordered according to their real part. Complex roots are masked with nans. This is essentially a wrapper of numpy.roots.

coefficientfunction: callable

Function returning the polynomial coefficients ordered from highest to lowest degree.

*args, **kwargs:

Parameters of coefficientfunction.

sols: array

Roots of the polynomial.


sols = precession.wraproots(coefficientfunction, *args, **kwargs)