
This is a short notebook to illustrate some of the key features of the precession module. There much more than this in the code but hopefully this is a good starting point.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader
>>> precession = SourceFileLoader("precession", "../precession/precession.py").load_module()

(The import syntax above is to make sure the online documentation grabs the latest version. For you it should just be import precession )

1. Select a binary configuration.

First, set the constants of motion. These include mass ratio and spin magnitudes:

>>> q = 0.8
>>> q
>>> chi1 = 0.5
>>> chi1
>>> chi2 = 0.9
>>> chi2

From these, find a suitable value of the effective spin within its geometrical limits

>>> chieff_minus,chieff_plus=precession.chiefflimits(q=q, chi1=chi1, chi2=chi2)
>>> chieff = 0.1
>>> assert chieff>=chieff_minus and chieff<=chieff_plus
>>> chieff

Now the quantities that vary on the radiation-reaction timescale. Specify the orbital separation

>>> r = 1000
>>> r

Find a suitable value of the asymptotic angular momentum (its boundaries are the spin-orbit resonances):

>>> kappa_minus,kappa_plus=precession.kappalimits(r=r,chieff=chieff, q=q, chi1=chi1, chi2=chi2)
>>> kappa = 0.02
>>> assert kappa>=kappa_minus and kappa<=kappa_plus

This is more conventiently done by specifying a dimensionless number, e.g.

>>> kappa = precession.kapparescaling(kappatilde=0.5, r=r, chieff=chieff, q=q, chi1=chi1, chi2=chi2)
>>> kappa

Finally, the precession-timescale variation is encoded in the weighted spin difference. Its limits are given by the solutions of a cubic polynomial:

>>> deltachi_minus,deltachi_plus = precession.deltachilimits(kappa=kappa,r=r,chieff=chieff,q=q,chi1=chi1,chi2=chi2)
>>> deltachi=-0.1
>>> assert deltachi>=deltachi_minus and deltachi<=deltachi_plus

You can also sample deltachi from its PN-weighted porability density function

>>> deltachi = precession.deltachisampling(kappa=kappa, r=r, chieff=chieff, q=q, chi1=chi1, chi2=chi1, N=1)

Or, as before, specify a dimensionless number, e.g.

>>> deltachi = precession.deltachirescaling(deltachitilde=0.4, kappa=kappa, r=r, chieff=chieff, q=q, chi1=chi1, chi2=chi2)
>>> deltachi

From these quantities, one can compute the spin angles

>>> theta1, theta2, deltaphi = precession.conserved_to_angles(deltachi=deltachi, kappa=kappa, r=r, chieff=chieff, q=q, chi1=chi1, chi2=chi2)
>>> theta1,theta2,deltaphi
(array([1.66141316]), array([1.25261228]), array([1.4089439]))

The inverse operation is

>>> deltachi_, kappa_, chieff_ = precession.angles_to_conserved(theta1=theta1, theta2=theta2, deltaphi=deltaphi, r=r, q=q, chi1=chi1, chi2=chi2)
>>> assert np.isclose(deltachi_,deltachi) and np.isclose(kappa_,kappa) and np.isclose(chieff_,chieff)

One can now compute various derived quantities including:

  • The precession period

  • The total precession angle

  • Two flavors of the precession estimator chip

  • The spin morphology

  • … and many more!

>>> tau = precession.eval_tau(kappa=kappa, r=r, chieff=chieff, q=q, chi1=chi1, chi2=chi2)
>>> tau
>>> alpha = precession.eval_alpha(kappa=kappa, r=r, chieff=chieff, q=q, chi1=chi1, chi2=chi2)
>>> alpha
>>> chip_averaged = precession.eval_chip(deltachi=deltachi,kappa=kappa,r=r,chieff=chieff,q=q,chi1=chi1,chi2=chi2,which="averaged")
>>> chip_averaged
>>> chip_rms = precession.eval_chip(deltachi=deltachi,kappa=kappa,r=r,chieff=chieff,q=q,chi1=chi1,chi2=chi2,which="rms")
>>> chip_rms
>>> morph = precession.morphology(kappa=kappa, r=r, chieff=chieff, q=q, chi1=chi1, chi2=chi2 )
>>> morph
array(['C+'], dtype='<U32')

2. Inspiral

Let’s now evolve that binary configuration down to r=10M.

>>> rvals = [r, 10] # Specify all the outputs you want here
>>> outputs = precession.inspiral_precav(kappa=kappa,r=rvals,chieff=chieff,q=q,chi1=chi1,chi2=chi2)
>>> outputs
{'theta1': array([[1.54408963, 2.16297419]]),
 'theta2': array([[1.33722239, 0.87939461]]),
 'deltaphi': array([[2.78560692, 0.51251691]]),
 'deltachi': array([[-0.08516471, -0.4100941 ]]),
 'kappa': array([[0.04563644, 0.06977371]]),
 'r': array([[1000,   10]]),
 'u': array([[0.06403612, 0.64036123]]),
 'deltachiminus': array([[-0.19622919, -0.42562113]]),
 'deltachiplus': array([[-0.08134075,  0.26825594]]),
 'deltachi3': array([[0.74325701, 0.1801658 ]]),
 'chieff': array([0.1]),
 'q': array([0.8]),
 'chi1': array([0.5]),
 'chi2': array([0.9])}

The same evolution can also be done with an orbit-averaged scheme (note that now you have to specify deltachi as well). This is slow:

>>> outputs = precession.inspiral_orbav(deltachi=deltachi, kappa=kappa,r=rvals,chieff=chieff,q=q,chi1=chi1,chi2=chi2)
>>> outputs
{'t': array([[0.000000e+00, 7.935974e+10]]),
 'theta1': array([[1.66141316, 0.88395959]]),
 'theta2': array([[1.25261228, 1.76230812]]),
 'deltaphi': array([[1.4089439 , 3.07301953]]),
 'Lh': array([[ 3.13179178e-02,  5.33207833e-18,  9.99509474e-01],
        [ 1.24542216e-03, -6.64332678e-02,  9.97790094e-01]]),
 'S1h': array([[-0.73494006,  0.67476338, -0.06750919],
        [ 0.1569423 , -0.79776376,  0.58218746]]),
 'S2h': array([[-0.73753054, -0.5857321 ,  0.33610506],
        [-0.13214013,  0.98330162, -0.12513137]]),
 'deltachi': array([[-0.15027382,  0.25227467]]),
 'kappa': array([[0.04563644, 0.06865318]]),
 'r': array([[1000,   10]]),
 'u': array([[0.06403612, 0.64036123]]),
 'chieff': array([[0.1       , 0.09999999]]),
 'q': array([0.8]),
 'chi1': array([0.5]),
 'chi2': array([0.9]),
 'cyclesign': array([[1., 1.]])}

Let’s now take this binary at r=10M, and propagate it back to past time infinity:

>>> rvals = [outputs['r'][0,-1], np.inf] # Specify all the outputs you want here
>>> outputs = precession.inspiral_precav(kappa=outputs['kappa'][0,-1],r=rvals,chieff=chieff,q=q,chi1=chi1,chi2=chi2)
>>> outputs
{'theta1': array([[1.48961071, 1.66496014]]),
 'theta2': array([[1.37588146, 1.25002889]]),
 'deltaphi': array([[-2.00118805, -2.58471431]]),
 'deltachi': array([[-0.05494641, -0.15223596]]),
 'kappa': array([[0.06865318, 0.04154245]]),
 'r': array([[10., inf]]),
 'u': array([[0.64036123, 0.        ]]),
 'deltachiminus': array([[-0.43153997, -0.15223596]]),
 'deltachiplus': array([[ 0.25313089, -0.15223596]]),
 'deltachi3': array([[0.18034069,        nan]]),
 'chieff': array([0.1]),
 'q': array([0.8]),
 'chi1': array([0.5]),
 'chi2': array([0.9])}

3. Precession average what you like

The code also allow you to precession-average quantities specified by the users. For instance, let’s compute the average of deltachi.

>>> def func(deltachi):
...     return deltachi
>>> deltachiav_ = precession.precession_average(kappa=kappa, r=r, chieff=chieff, q=q, chi1=chi1, chi2=chi2, func=func)
>>> deltachiav_

For this specific case, the averaged can also be done semi-analytically in terms of elliptic integrals (though in general this is not possible). Let’s check we get the same result:

>>> u = precession.eval_u(r, q)
>>> deltachiminus,deltachiplus,deltachi3 = precession.deltachiroots(kappa=kappa, u=u, chieff=chieff, q=q, chi1=chi1, chi2=chi2)
>>> m = precession.elliptic_parameter(kappa=kappa, u=u, chieff=chieff, q=q, chi1=chi1, chi2=chi2,
...                                   precomputedroots=np.stack([deltachiminus, deltachiplus, deltachi3]))
>>> deltachiav = precession.inverseaffine( precession.deltachitildeav(m),  deltachiminus, deltachiplus)
>>> deltachiav
>>> (deltachiav_-deltachiav)/deltachiav

This is also an example of how providing the optional quantity precomputedroots speeds up the computation.